Quotes From School Community:
‘Enjoyed watching Dominiks reading a prayer. He looked confident to stand in front of the class and not be shy. Beautiful parent prayer meeting’
‘I have really appreciated how much the children understood the world of God and answered questions. I think Jesus Christis the food love for all of them to know in our life.’
‘I really enjoyed coming into Kaiyan’s class and spending time with her, I felt it was good being able to do an activity together’
‘I really enjoyed seeing my child in his learning setting, it was nice sitting with him to see how he is confident in lessons and joining in.’
‘I am very thankful that I could come and pray with the kids. The class looks beautiful.’
‘I liked how the children interacted with each other. The paper chain is a very nice idea.’
We follow His footsteps and are united as one family in God’s love
Our Mission Statement “ One Fold One Family Walking with Christ” runs through all that we do in school. The children have an excellent understanding of the Mission Statement, and how they can live out the Mission Statement in their daily lives.
We foster links with home, school and the wider community.
As parents you are the first and most significant educators in your child’s life. By having your child baptised you have expressed your wish to have them brought up within the Catholic faith. Working closely together, forming a partnership between parents and the school, we aspire to nurture the unique qualities of each child and allow them to flourish and grow throughout their primary years.
Through our RE curriculum and Sacramental preparation, we guide children on their journey of faith. Each year group follows lessons planned from the Diocesan programme ‘Learning and Growing as God’s People’. Children take part in daily collective worship and regular assemblies, many of which are child planned and led.
We are a worshipping community within the parish of St Elizabeth’s
We have very close links with our Parish of St Elizabeth’s and Father Moses celebrates Mass weekly in school. We have school Sunday Mass once a month at Church and work closely with our sister school St Elizabeth’s, and the Sisters of the Missionary congregation of Evangelising sister of Mary. who are based in our parish.
In Year 3 children prepare to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Communion, the Church works closely with parents during this time to reinforce the important role of parents within God’s family during these special celebrations.
Throughout Key Stage Two, pupils are supported and encouraged to become mature and responsible global citizens of the 21st Century. In their final year of Primary School, children prepare to become adults in the eyes of the church, by receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. By accepting the Holy Spirit and renewing their baptismal promises, that were previous made for them, these young adults have the understanding and knowledge within them formed by the Catholic education they have experienced.
We reach for the stars as we strive for excellence in our learning. We celebrate the unique qualities of every child and nurture them to reach their full potential.
We have high expectations of all, and work tirelessly to ensure children are equipped to reach their God given potential. We understand that all children are different and have different needs an talents. Through our work in school we nurture their talents, and give support where it is necessary.
What is God calling me to be?
We ensure that the children are prepared for the journey they will undertake when they leave us. Not just academically, but spiritually and socially. We instil in them a sense of vocation in which they understand that all they do in their lives is in service to God.